Ricerche slavistiche

  • "Ricerche slavistiche" is the first Italian Slavic journal created after the WWII. It was founded in 1952 by the founder of Slavic philology in Italy, Giovanni Maver. For a long time, it was characterised by the centrality given to the philological study of texts, which corresponded to the...

  • "Ricerche slavistiche" is the first Italian Slavic journal created after the WWII. It was founded in 1952 by the founder of Slavic philology in Italy, Giovanni Maver. For a long time, it was characterised by the centrality given to the philological study of texts, which corresponded to the...

    Work published in open access form and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 3.0 Italy (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IT)
    Opera distribuita con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione – Non...

  • "Ricerche slavistiche" is the first Italian Slavic journal created after the WWII. It was founded in 1952 by the founder of Slavic philology in Italy, Giovanni Maver. For a long time, it was characterised by the centrality given to the philological study of texts, which corresponded to the...



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