Anne Eldredge Maury, nata il 02.09.1937 a Brooklyn N.Y. USA. Laurea in Storia dell'Arte, Smith College, Northampton, MA, U.S.A. Disegnatrice e pittrice botanica, molto quotata e apprezzata presso il mondo artistico e scientifico, dal 1965 ha eseguito centinaia di lavori per varie università ed enti nazionali, regionali e provinciali italiani per pubblicazioni in volumi e riviste botaniche.
Anne Eldredge Maury, highly regarded and appreciated in the artistic and scientific world, born on 09/02/1937 in Brooklyn NY USA. Degree in History of Art, Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA. Freelance botanical illustrator and painter, since 1965 she has executed hundreds of drawings and paintings for various Italian universities and national, regional and provincial government organizations for publication in botanical volumes and journals.